Tidal and Water Level Working Group (TWLWG)

3rd TWLWG Meeting
5 - 7 April 2011, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

Post Meeting Documents:   [Report]  [Photo

Document No

Document Title

TWLWG3_Participants List of participants.


TWLWG3/2/1B Draft Timetable
TWLWG3/2/4A Status of actions from TWLWG2 - correct to 28 February 2011
TWLWG3/3-Canada National presentation Canada
TWLWG3/3-Chile National Presentation Chile
TWLWG3/3-Japan National Presentation Japan
TWLWG3/3-Korea National Presentation Korea
TWLWG3/4/1A Question on Tidal Constituents
TWLWG3_4-1B Harmonic Analysis Trial based on the Tidal Constituents list.
TWLWG3/4/3A Tidal Heights -Proposed S-57 Objects and Attributes Catalogue
TWLWG3/4/3B Object and Attribute Catalogue - comment by the UK
TWLWG3/4/4A Draft Standard for the transmission of real-time water level data
TWLWG3/4/7A Definition of MSL
TWLWG3/4/8A Inventory of Tide Gauges
TWLWG3/4/9A Short course on tides for hydrography
TWLWG3/4/10A IHO resolutions from M-3 of relevance to Tides and Water Levels
TWLWG3/4/10B Review of resolution 6/1932 as amended (formerly A.5)
TWLWG3/4/10C Review of resolution 5/1932 as amended (formerly A.6.4)
TWLWG3/4/11A Review of relevant IHO Charting Specifications
TWLWG3/4/12A Global Sea level Rise Effects
TWLWG3/4/13A Exchange of Harmonic Constants
TWLWG3/4/14A Report from GLOSS
TWLWG3/4/15A IAG Inter Commission Project 1.2 Update
TWLWG3/4/15B ECGN Update
TWLWG3/4/17A Tsunami Signals in a Sea Level Register
TWLWG3/4/18A Draft TWLWG Work Plan
TWLWG3/5/1A Tide table format